Daily Devotional 8/14/22
August 14th, 2022
TO READ: Psalm 89“I will establish your descendants as kings forever; they will sit on your throne from now until eternity.”Psalm 89:4In the year 1215, King John of England traveled outside London to ...  Read More
by Lorenzo Warren
Daily Devotional 8/12/22
August 12th, 2022
In Psalm 78, Asaph announced his intentions to teach the next generation about the wonders God had done among his people by recounting the history of Israel’s disobedience and God’s repeated mercy to ...  Read More
by Lorenzo Warren
Daily Devotional 8/9/22
August 9th, 2022
What made her special was that she wasn’t. Margery Kempe was not a queen or a princess, not even a highborn lady. She was born into the merchant class. Her father made a good living, and so did her hu...  Read More
by Lorenzo Warren
Daily Devotional 8/8/22
August 8th, 2022
If you’ll bear with another Laura Ingalls Wilder example (she’s got so many!), I’d like to share about pieplant.Pieplant is what we call rhubarb, an April favorite of mine and also of my husband. It g...  Read More
by Lorenzo Warren
Daily Devotional 8/7/22
August 7th, 2022
Fear is a self-imposed prison that will keep you from becoming what God intends for you to be. You must move against it with the weapons of faith and love.Rick WarrenYou can defeat fear if you acknowl...  Read More
by Lorenzo Warren
Daily Devotional 8/5/22
August 5th, 2022
IN WORDYou have a message, and you are constantly delivering it. You may not even know what it is. It may be a message of redemption or of guilt, of confidence or of insecurity, of faith or of doubt. ...  Read More
by Lorenzo Warren
Daily Devotional 8/4/22
August 4th, 2022
ALMIGHTY GOD,Why do I assume I have a good reason or motive for what I do, while others do not? This happens in many situations. If a car zooms around me, I decide the driver is reckless and hope a po...  Read More
by Lorenzo Warren
Daily Devotional 8/3/22
August 3rd, 2022
Read Ephesians 3:14-16I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will give you mighty inner strength through his Holy Spirit.Ephesians 3:16“It is our struggles that define us,” my friend Do...  Read More
by Lorenzo Warren
Daily Devotional 8/1/22
August 1st, 2022
The heart of the righteous studies how to answer,But the mouth of the wicked pours forth evil.Proverbs 15:28 (NKJV)I had a teacher who used to say, “Do not engage mouth before you engage brain.” Think...  Read More
by Lorenzo Warren
Daily Devotional 7/31/22
July 31st, 2022
Awesome PowerPsalm 97:1-61 The LORD is king! Let the earth rejoice!Let the farthest islands be glad.2 Clouds and darkness surround him.Righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne.3 Fire...  Read More
by Lorenzo Warren
Daily Devotional 7/30/22
July 30th, 2022
Our past sins can be overshadowed by the new life ahead of us....  Read More
by Lorenzo Warren
Daily Devotional 7/29/22
July 29th, 2022
Recognize Wise CounselWhenever the king consulted them in any matter requiring wisdom and balanced judgment, he found them ten times more capable than any of the magicians and enchanters in his entire...  Read More
by Lorenzo Warren