Daily Devotional 7/29/22

Recognize Wise Counsel
Whenever the king consulted them in any matter requiring wisdom and balanced judgment, he found them ten times more capable than any of the magicians and enchanters in his entire kingdom.
Daniel 1:20

Hats off to Nebuchadnezzar! Surrounded by a host of smooth-talking con men, he turned to Daniel and his countrymen for genuine solutions to important questions.
When Nebuchadnezzar didn’t seek Daniel’s advice, the results were tragic. The king actually went insane for a period of time and ate grass like a cow (try to cover that gap in your résumé during a job interview).
The ability to recognize wise counsel is an important leadership quality.
It is one that develops over time, through trial and unfortunate error. Having a handful of trusted advisors is worth more than you could ever pay them, so cherish and protect these relationships as the treasures they are.

Take a moment to run an inventory of your trusted advisors. To whom do you turn when faced with a matter requiring wisdom and balanced judgment?

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