Daily Devotional 8/4/22

A prayer about Extending Grace - Giving the benefit of the doubt

Why do I assume I have a good reason or motive for what I do, while others do not? This happens in many situations. If a car zooms around me, I decide the driver is reckless and hope a police officer is near. But I speed because I’m rushing to an important appointment, a ministry event, or I have some other meaningful explanation. When someone is late for our meeting, I conclude that the person dawdled or didn’t plan well. Not so with me. At church, when someone gets up to leave in the middle of the service, I often think poorly of that person. If I do the same, however, that is all right because I have something important to do. This is a form of judging, and it is sin. Forgive me. Giving someone the benefit of the doubt means assuming they’re innocent until proven guilty. In Christian terms, it means extending grace to them—treating them the same way I would want to be treated. Help me, Lord, to be a grace-filled and grace-giving person.

Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets.
Matthew 7:12

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