Daily Devotional 8/26/22

Faith 2

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
James 1:2-4, NIV

During my college days at Moody Bible Institute, I was a resident assistant in the women’s dormitory, overseeing life on the sixth floor of Houghton Hall. Returning to my room late one evening, I unlocked the door, stepped in, and was convinced that I had the wrong room. It was completely empty. After rechecking and realizing that I was in the right place, I noticed that the room wasn’t completely empty. There was a Bible passage on the wall—James 1:2-4 (quoted above).
Well, it was pretty hard not to smile at my situation in light of the last three words of the verse. The ladies of the sixth floor had moved everything out of the room, storing half of the furniture in the shower room and the other half on the roof! (They kindly helped me move it back.) Although the incident was not a trial, it was a character building experience.
When the serious trials of life come and we choose to cry out to God for his strength and wisdom, we experience significant growth in Christian character. At a point in my life when I was going through a tough experience, a friend suggested that I begin a “faith affirmations” notebook. On days when I struggled for faith and hope, it was extremely helpful to document the many ways God had shown his love and care for me. I know difficult experiences have produced growth in character because they remind me of how much I need God and how much God cares for me.

Trials are tough, and they are sometimes accompanied with gut-wrenching pain to our souls or bodies. At times when we feel like giving up, please give us faith to persevere. Amen.

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