Daily Devotional 9/8/22

"I Spy" Blessings all around me!

Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good! . . . So the creation of the heavens and the earth and everything in them was completed. On the seventh day God had finished his work of creation, so he rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, because it was the day when he rested from all his work of creation.
Genesis 1:31–2:3

It’s another day. How is it shaping up for you? Does it look like a good one? Maybe all you can see are a calendar full of appointments and a day full of challenges. We’ve all had those days, and they’ll happen again. Still, here’s a suggestion. As important as your scheduled time may be, take time each day to look around and acknowledge your blessings. It’s an exercise guaranteed to rejuvenate you as you think of all that God has given you and say thanks. And as you do, start looking up close—within the gift of your family.
Before you exclaim, “I don’t have time,” look at your computer. Do you have a screensaver picture of your family at your favorite vacation spot? A snapshot of your pet? Your children’s favorite teams?
Now look at your desk. How about that framed photo of your family? Do you consider them a blessing in your life? The blessings of God are all around you, and every day is the perfect time to celebrate them. Why? Because He created them especially for you.
It’s the blessings we find in a hope-filled sunrise filtering through our windows or the wrinkled red face of a newborn baby. In a grandmother’s gentle smile or the trusting laugh of a child.
We find the blessings of God in a table full of food and in those members of the family we share it with. In the opportunity to watch our sons’ baseball games or to love our adult children, because we missed the opportunities to fully love them as they grew. Maybe we get the “second chance” in the blessing of our grandchildren, to love them no-holds-barred.
Speaking of kids: their sense of awe and wonder has to make God smile. They can rattle off big and small things that can be considered a blessing from God, like dolphins unexpectedly breaking the surface of the bay, or the twinkle of stars millions of miles away, right where we left them the night before. Take a cue from them, and I think you’ll come up with an endless list.
So no matter what you may be facing right now, take a few minutes, look around at all that God has created, thank Him, and savor the gift.
Don’t get so wrapped up in today’s worries or tomorrow’s “urgent” priorities that you miss the beautiful things right in front of you.

Uncommon Key > Don’t let a day go by without naming at least one of God’s blessings in your life. The evidence is all around you. Start with His creation, then move on to your family; it won’t take long for you to lose count.

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