Daily Devotional 8/22/22

A prayer about Anger - When my feelings seem out of control

I blew it today. I lost my temper, and not to just anyone, but someone I care about. I want to rationalize—I was having a bad day, the traffic gridlock got to me, I didn’t have a good night’s sleep, I needed my coffee, and what I said was technically true—but if I’m honest, I have no excuse. I was out of control and wrong, and I used a hateful tone and made cutting comments. I know I need to ask forgiveness of my friend, but I need to lay it out before you first. Please help me, Father, to think before I speak, to consider the effects of my attitude and words, and to “bless” others rather than “curse” them. Please fill me with your Spirit and take control. I want to be known as a positive, joyful person who sees and affirms the good in others. I want to be more like Christ.

“Don’t sin by letting anger control you.” Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry, for anger gives a foothold to the devil.
Ephesians 4:26-27

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