Daily Devotional 7/31/22

Awesome Power
Psalm 97:1-6
1 The LORD is king! Let the earth rejoice!
Let the farthest islands be glad.
2 Clouds and darkness surround him.
Righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne.
3 Fire goes forth before him
and burns up all his foes.
4 His lightning flashes out across the world.
The earth sees and trembles.
5 The mountains melt like wax before the LORD,
before the Lord of all the earth.
6 The heavens declare his righteousness;
every nation sees his glory.

Frequently a city decides to demolish an old building to make way for a new one. Demolition experts are called in to place dynamite at strategic points. With a huge boom and a cloud of dust, the building essentially vanishes. What was a huge block of brick and metal only a moment ago is now a pile of rubble. Sometimes such an event is publicized, and people watch on TV to see the building go down. Why? Because they love to see such an awesome display of power, especially when it’s harnessed for a good purpose.
Many still recall the images of twisted metal and heaps of debris from the Oklahoma City bombing of 1994. That was a demonstration of awesome power employed for a destructive purpose. We still watched the television coverage with amazement, but also with horror.
Power can be used for good or evil. This is underscored by the fact that the inventor of dynamite was Alfred Nobel, for whom the peace prize is named.
The psalmist sees the Lord as powerful, a consuming fire burning up his enemies. These verses speak of events that rival any Hollywood special effects. Visualize the lightning flashing and the mountains melting “like wax.” Of course, this isn’t good news for the enemies. But we who love the Lord don’t need to be afraid. He is our King. His mighty power will benefit those who follow his ways. Let the whole earth rejoice at his coming!

Before Jehovah’s aweful throne,
Ye nations, bow with sacred joy,
Know that the Lord is God alone;
He can create, and He destroy.

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